NOTE TO UPGRADERS: Always make backups....always; backup up your database and your rakim-dev/ directory....make backups. If you are upgrading RAKIM from the 0.8 version, you can likely use the following ALTER statements to change your database schema: ALTER TABLE lib2lib ADD COLUMN greeting int(11) default '0'; ALTER TABLE lib2lib ADD COLUMN farewell int(11) default '0'; ALTER TABLE lib_survey ADD COLUMN when_surveyed datetime default NULL; ALTER TABLE librarians ADD COLUMN large_input enum('t','f') default 'f'; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN startcobrowse enum('t','f') default 'f'; ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN endcobrowse enum('t','f') default 'f'; ALTER TABLE messages ADD KEY messages_patron_id_idx (patron_id); ALTER TABLE patron_survey ADD COLUMN when_surveyed datetime default NULL; ALTER TABLE queues ADD KEY queues_patron_status_idx (patron_status); INSERT INTO librarians VALUES (1,NULL,NULL,NULL,'administrator',NULL,'200ceb26807d6bf99fd6f4f0d1ca54d4',0,'',NULL,'',NULL,NULL,'on',NULL,'yes','f',NULL,NULL,'t','t','f'); If these run successfully, your database will be upgraded, but the directory will still need to be updated; i'd suggest moving your existing rakim-dev directory, untarring the new one, and proceeding from there.... Since your database already exists, you can skip to step #4. I've only done a test upgrade, so YMMV; mail if you have any questions/troubles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installing RAKIM-dev with MySQL: 1. Create a database to use: mysqladmin -u root -p create rakim_dev 2. Create the tables to use: mysql -u root -p rakim_dev < schema/rakim_dev.mysql 3. Connect to mysql as root. mysql -u root -p mysql If this is a new user, set its password in the mysql database: insert into user (host, user) values ('localhost', 'theUsername'); update user set password=PASSWORD('thePasswd') where user='theUsername'; Grant the appropriate rights to the appropriate user: grant all on rakim_dev.* to theUsername; flush privileges; \q 4. Edit rakim-dev/config.php to reflect the database name and user above $dbType = "mysql"; $dbUser = "theUser"; $dbPassword = "thePassword"; $dbHost = "localhost"; $dbName = "rakim_dev"; There are other things to configure in this file, like refresh rates, what HTML tags to allow in messages, etc....take a look.... 5. You can also change almost every piece of text in RAKIM (except the admin area, cuz i'm lazy) by modifying the provided english.php or german.php files. If you'd like to translate into another, language, that would be great. 6. In a browser, visit rakim-dev/admin/, providing the following: username: administrator password: administrator You will be forced to change this password upon login, so be ready; you can't proceed without changing the password. 7. Choose "edit an institution", and proceed to do so. 8. Then "add a librarian", and proceed to do so. 9. In a browser, visit rakim-dev/librarian/, supplying the librarian name and password you just added. You're now logged in as a librarian, and can begin answering calls. 10. Open a new browser window, and connect to rakim-dev/patron/, and log in as a patron....answer the call as the librarian, and chat away... 11. If you want auto-logoff of patrons and librarians, take a look at admin/checkRakim.php you should place a line similar to the following in your crontab: * * * * * /path/to/checkRakim.php this will have it run every minute, checking for negligent types ;) this needs to run as a user that can delete sess_* files (usually stored in /tmp/), so you might want to run this as root, or something... PLEASE read the notes in checkRakim.php before you turn it on...2 minutes of reading and php.ini tweaking might save you some headaches. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I haven't looked at the email stuff in a LONG time, so your mileage may vary. We're not currently using it, so it could probably use a good look/rewrite, but if you're brave, and run into problems, I'll try to help..... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. If you want to use the email module, you don't need to do much; there is another cron job at admin/checkEmail.php that will email any admins that an email question has gone unanswered for a set period of time; its all configurable in that file itself. you should place a line similar to the following in your crontab: 00 2 * * * /path/to/checkEmail.php the same caveats apply to checkEmail.php as the notes. 12. Emails sent from rakim's email module will come from a user account; i've created a .forward file, and a PHP commandline script, that can be used in case customers/patrons reply to that email...they're in rakim-dev/email/auto....the procedure is this: 1. create the user (eg., ref) to receive that email 2. cp rakim-dev/email/auto/dot-forward /home/ref/.forward 3. cp rakim-dev/email/auto/*.php /home/ref/ 4. edit /home/ref/config.php and /home/ref/handleEmail.php to reflect the absolute paths of the appropriate files once its all set up correctly, any mail sent to should get inserted into the database, and automatically claimed by the librarian who answered. this behavior might change, as this email stuff is VERY rough.... it should facilitate a LOT more, but i threw this together one afternoon, and have been patching it since ;)....prolly needs a rewrite....