2004-01-15 thanks to heiko for the german translation 2003-11-25 "its been a long time, i shouldn't have left you, without a strong rhyme to step to..." -Eric B. & Rakim - /I Know You Got Soul/ -lots of additions, some of which have been laying in CVS for MONTHS.... -lots of bugfixes/code-cleanup, altho i'm sure theres more to be done ;) here are some visible changes, organized by directory: admin/ -remove .htaccess setup, and protect with php login/passwords -multiple librarians can now be designated as administrators via "edit a librarian" -passwords can be changed via form -search/display transcripts -basic survey reports (only for surveys provided with RAKIM) -added margaret's XML/XSLT reports (requires XSLT in your PHP) -others.... librarian/ -shared scripts/bookmarks in tools.php (if added by admin) -review your transcripts -link to admin area if you are an administrator; still need to provide your login/password -preference editing: -can change passwords now -can choose to have a larger textarea for message input -when other librarians login/logout, the dropdown box with their names should now reflect that (except for IE on Macs...buggy DOM and JavaScript) patron/ -login uses same window, instead of popping up a new one, mainly because of the popup blocking of mozilla (which is a good thing ;) 2003-02-12 -first release of the email module (rakim-dev/email/); same logins as the chat module. -first release of basic statistics on the admin pages using phplot -reinstated shared scripts/bookmarks on the admin page, but not implemented in the librarians' tools yet -some code cleanup, and other things.... 2003-01-17 -fixed auto logout of patrons/librarians that don't exit cleanly (admin/checkRakim.php) -added simple librarian/patron exit surveys (mainly for MU's use) -put the ringer back in, along with options for on|off|loop -other fixes, etc that i can't quite remember 2002-12-14 -MAJOR database naming changes, so if you already have a development version installed, you'll have to start from scratch...sorry. -PostgreSQL support seems to be working now -minimal support for NN4 and Opera CSS bugginess (tabs don't change color, but still trigger chat changes) -transcripts for the librarians (yes, no, or prompt) -beginning to integrate askal from unomaha into rakim (still not there yet, but will provide a default email reference system for off-hours, impatient patrons, etc) -others that i'm forgetting